Local Stories Katherine DeSilva

Local Stories - Local Outreach

Introducing "Little Bite, Big Love," a heartfelt collaboration between Katherine and her longtime friend Raeme. In this two-part illustrated children's book, the authors navigate the emotional journey of euthanizing pets, offering a tender exploration of abuse, benign neglect, and compassion. The narrative extends beyond loss, delving into the valuable lessons pets teach us about navigating life's challenges.

Katherine A. DeSilva, with mobility device
Katherine DeSilva
Author & Illustrator
Sarah Phanuef - Editor
Pumpkin Vines
Independently Publishing Imprint
Raeme Jean Merlos - Story Creator and Essayist
Raeme Jean Merlos
Story Teller & Essayist

Little Bite, Big Love

This poignant tale is a catalyst for constructive discussions with children, addressing difficult topics and emphasizing the importance of limiting toxicity in life. "Little Bite, Big Love" draws inspiration from true stories, weaving together the lives of beloved dogs—Sparky, Bixby, and Stunner—based on the authors' cherished canine companions.

As Katherine and Raeme share Mikey's heartbreaking story, readers witness the challenges faced by dogs like Sparky and Bixby, who mirror the authors' own experiences with loss and difficult decisions. The narrative aims to help families cope with the complexities of euthanizing dogs due to age, extreme injury, or behavior problems.

Both authors, passionate about rescuing dogs, acknowledge the joy and heartbreak that come with caring for these beloved companions. "Little Bite, Big Love" underscores the importance of including children in discussions about pet adoption, euthanization, and responsible pet care. Katherine and Raeme advocate for transparency within families, believing that these sensitive topics should be openly and honestly discussed, emphasizing that a pet is not a disposable gift but a cherished member of the family.

Our Broken Dog's Love Story

Little Bite, Big Love

A moving story to help children understand why some dogs, that we love, have problems and need to be put down at a young age.
(Currently in the Illustration Phase for a Summer 2024 Release)

Children's Books by Katherine DeSilva

Katherine is excited to be collaborating with longtime friend Raeme on an unprecedented two part story. Their collaboration will feature an illustrated story book for young people with an emotional account of euthanizing pets.  The following essay will also include a look at how the lessons learned from pets can guide us in everyday life. 

This is a heart wrenching story and opens the door for constructive discussion with children about abuse, benign neglect and compassion.

We hope it can be used as a way to begin difficult conversations about making sure to limit toxicity from life. 

Katherine DeSilva


Pumpkin Vines

Katherine DeSilva is 'Ipswich.Green'
Illustration, Stories, Games, Wearables & Household .

174 High Street
Ipswich Village, Suite 105

Ipswich, MA 01938

© Pumpkin Vines 2024
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